Kinect’s Trigger Point Massage Ball Set

The Kinect Method is a pending trademarked self massage technique program.

This Kinect Method uses myofascial release technique that exceeds the efficacy of traditional foam rolling by targeting trigger points with Kinect’s own massage ball set.

This approach will increase mobility, circulation, ease tension, induce relaxation and improve nervous system regulation.

Created by myofascial release specialist, Angie Wong, with over two decades of hands-on experience.

This approach enhances body awareness and mobility by instilling slow intentional movements while incorporating breath and the control of your own bodyweight as a simple and effective way to target common trigger points.

The Kinect Method Workshop

Be a part of the movement by sharing this incredible technique with your entire organization and help greatly improve the quality of performance in the workplace. It’s a perfect and simple way to empower your staff to take better care of themselves that offers immediate relief they will experience with our guidance.

This method is ideal for but not limited to industry professionals that experience pain, injuries, muscle imbalances and daily stress.

  • Those who sit for long periods of time, spend hours in front of a computer screen, and stand on their feet for long periods of time, or works with their hands on a daily basis. Also, athletes or any individual who wants to learn how to better care for their recovery.

  • We will also offer suggestions on how to jumpstart your self massage practice. Attendees will be provided with a massage ball kit to continue practicing.

    Massage ball set for your individual usage and continued practice

    The Kinect Method Program video library of each body part is covered, along with any additional updates as we continue to add and expand the method. This includes free login to our app and access to a Kinect Method coach to keep clients accountable on mobility goals. (optional upgrade)

Kinect & Roll with us and find the right Workshop option for you.

  • One of our certified Kinect Method practitioners will come to your workplace and instruct each attendee on areas the group chooses to work on. On average this should run for a minimum of an hour or more, depending on the size of the group and number of instructors needed for the size.

  • Comes with Option 1 including additional postural and sit screen assessment that each attendee will receive a copy of the report to address overactive muscles and an approach to curate a custom plan to rebalance and improve posture.

    *Additional services from other practitioners available to combine based on clients goals.

Pricing based on number of attendees, length of hours or frequent number of visits on a per contractual basis. Please inquire for more info.

What are People Saying about The Kinect Method?

The Kinect Method is a pending trademarked self massage technique program. This Kinect Method uses myofascial release technique that exceeds the efficacy of traditional foam rolling by targeting trigger points with Kinect’s own massage ball set. This approach will increase mobility, circulation, ease tension, induce relaxation and improve nervous system regulation. Created by myofascial release specialist, Angie Wong, with over two decades of hands-on experience. This approach enhances body awareness and mobility by instilling slow intentional movements while incorporating breath and the control of your own bodyweight as a simple and effective way to target common trigger points.

Listen to what our clients have to say about this unique approach.