Spinal Flow Assessments

The spine falls into seven distinct regions. Spinal Flow Technique calls these regions of the spine, "gateways" and they connect to different parts of the body. The Gateways become blocked due to stress, resulting in pain, illness or disease in related parts of the body. Some of you may know them as chakras, in which there are some parallels on an energetic/emotional aspect.

By asking certain questions and performing different assessments, I can help clients identify which Gateways are blocked. This empowers you to understand the real cause of their symptoms. Reach out to me for more information and I can show you exactly how you can identify a spinal blockage using these same assessments. For starters, please answer the following assessments below.

This questionnaire is highlighting the Pause Gateway, also known as the Throat Chakra. This is governed by speaking our truth, communicating clearly, honestly, courageously, to open up emotionally & creatively. It invites us to share our passions and find our voice. The Pause Gateway sits on the upper cervical spine that’s base of your skull.

This questionnaire is highlighting the Passion Gateway, also known as the Throat Chakra. This is governed by speaking our truth, communicating clearly, honestly, courageously, being able to open up emotionally and creatively. It invites us to be able to share our passions in life and to find our voice. 

This questionnaire is highlighting the Center Gateway, also known as the Heart Chakra. This is associated to the energy of unconditional love for ourselves and others, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and joy.

This questionnaire is highlighting the Power Gateway, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is connected to the energy of willpower, confidence, taking control of your life, mental strength and clarity, making decisions, and personal identity.

This questionnaire is highlighting the Foundation Gateway, also known as the Sacral Chakra. This is connected to the energy of the emotional body, sensuality, expression of sexuality, and creativity. 

This questionnaire is highlighting the Base Gateway, also known as the Root Chakra, which governs your basic needs for survival such as food, shelter, money and love. When this is blocked, we are in constant fight or flight, survival mode, may feel anxious or depressed and feel unsafe or ungrounded.


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